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United Methodist Church

517 Atherly
Gridley, KS 66852

511 Atherly
Gridley, KS 66852

Sunday School - 10:00 am
Worship Service - 11:00 am



In 1872, a group of settlers from Boston, Massachusetts, settled two and a half miles south of Gridley and formed a village called Bangor. A schoolhouse was erected and preaching services were held there regularly. In 1886, with the coming of the railroad, the town of Gridley was laid out, and the Bangor Church was moved to Gridley. In October 1894, the charter of the church was filed with the Secretary of the State. Each Sunday morning the same bell that called worshippers to the Bangor church tolls the hour for Sunday School and worship at Gridley United Methodist Church.

Gridley Christian Church


Pastor Jason Johnson
617 Henley
Gridley, KS 66852

Sunday   8:30 am - Traditional Worship Service

                               (for COVID Vulnerable.)  

Sunday 10:15 am - Family Worship Service 

                               Children's Service                                                            Child care Provided.

Monday  5:00 pm - Adult Bible Study                                                               Child Care Provided

Wednesday 6 pm - Mid Week Recharge For All Ages

                               Dinner provided.



The Gridley Christian Church was first organized about 1890 as a Disciples of Christ Christian Church. Services were held in the building that housed Bahr Hardware. In the summer of 1895, the Burlington Independent reported on the front page that a windstorm had wrecked the little town of Gridley on Sunday, September 8, including the Methodist Church (blown down) and the Christian Church (new, completely wrecked). The second new building was then constructed at its present site near Third and Henley, with additions made over the years.


City of Gridley

503 Main

PO Box 182

Gridley, KS 66852


FAX 620.836.2838

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